So, What's All the Fuss About These New ZUP Boards? We're So Glad You Asked!
To say that we are excited about launching four new boards for our ZUP family would be a bit of an understatement, so to get you just as excited we thought we would share all the juicy details about what makes these new boards so cool. (p.s. if you haven't entered our giveaway yet, head right this way before it's too late!)
YouGo 1.0

- entry level
- strapless board
- lower cost
- easy 360s
- lower profile
- new colors
- soft grips
YouGotThis 2.0
- enhanced hydrodynamics
- easy 360s
- lower profile
- new colors
- soft grips
DoMore 1.5 Tropical
- fins added for better tracking
- thinnest profile
- compression molded pro
- lightweight
- easy 360s
- smooth ride
DoMore 1.5 Hexagon
- fins added for better tracking
- thinnest profile
- compression molded pro
- lightweight
- easy 360s
- smooth ride
Which board is your favorite?!