The Good News Sandwich (psst! we extended our pre-orders!)

First of all, we want to thank each and every one of you for your support after our Shark Tank episode aired. It really meant a lot to have our ZUP family rally around us. And while a deal with one of the sharks would have been nice, we have been overwhelmed with orders ever since the episode aired. Which brings us to what we like to call, a Good New Sandwich! (scroll down to learn more!)

THE GOOD NEWS: Shark Tank really helped us communicate to the world, the value of our game-winning invention to boat owners!
THE BAD NEWS: Because of Shark Tank we just SOLD OUT OF BOARDS!! That’s right, in the middle of WINTER... brrrr!
THE GOOD NEWS: We prepared for this possibility, by taking pre-orders and manufacturing even more awesome product especially for you!  New inventory will be ready in a month or less. But even those boards won't last forever... get your easy pre-order in now for the best chance of having the most fun ever on your boat this summer!
Remember, with this Board... EveryBODY getZUP!